
Goh, Irving. (2014). The Reject: Community, Politics, and Religion After the Subject. Fordham University Press (Commonalities Series).

Goh, Irving. (2019). L'Existence prépositionnelle. Galilée (Série Philosophie en effet).

Goh, Irving and Jean-Luc Nancy. (2021). The Deconstruction of Sex. Duke University Press.

Goh, Irving. (Forthcoming). Living on after Failure. Duke University Press.

Goh, Irving. (Forthcoming). Touching Literature, or The Experience of the Limit. Cornell University Press.

Edited Books

Goh, Irving (2023). Jean-Luc Nancy Among the Philosophers. Fordham University Press.

Goh, Irving (2019). French Thought and Literary Theory in the UK. Routledge.

Goh, Irving and Verena Conley. (2014). Nancy Now. Contributors include Jean-Luc Nancy, Étienne Balibar, Giorgio Agamben, Gregg Lambert, Ginette Michaud, et al. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Edited Journals

Goh, Irving and Christopher Swithinbank (2018). Music and Theory: New Ontologies, Politics, and Materialities. Special Issue of CR: The New Centennial Review.

Goh, Irving and Timothy Murray. (2016). The Prepositional Senses of Jean-Luc Nancy, II. Special Issue, Vol. 2 of diacritics. Contributors include Eleanor Kaufman and Frédéric Neyrat. With a translation of Nancy's "Sexistence."

Goh, Irving and Timothy Murray. (2015). The Prepositional Senses of Jean-Luc Nancy, I. Special Issue, Vol. 1, of diacritics. Contributors include Jeffrey Librett, Philip Armstrong, Verena Conley. With a translation of Nancy's "Que faire?"

Goh, Irving and Ryan Bishop. (2011). Plus d’un toucher: Touching Worlds. Special Issue of SubStance. Contributors include Jean-Luc Nancy, Luce Irigaray, Geoffrey Bennington, Peter Fenves, Verena Conley, Erin Manning, Jordan Crandall, Frédéric Neyrat, and Aden Evens.

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals (Kindly visit my page for a more comprehensive list)

Goh, Irving. (2023). “Shared Unshareability, Suicidality, and the Melodrama of Living on after Failure in Yiyun Li.” Modern Fiction Studies 69 (3): 539-562.

Goh, Irving (2023). “Affective Consisting in Lispector’s An Apprenticeship, or the Book of Pleasures.” Angelaki 28 (2): 79-89.

Goh, Irving. (2021). “Insistence, or the Force of Jean-Luc Nancy.” Angelaki 26 (3-4): 17-31.

Goh, Irving. (2021). “Virus Is Other People.” Cultural Politics 17 (1): 145-149. Special Issue on “Viral Cultures.”

Goh, Irving. (2020). “Auto-thanato-theory: Dark Narcissistic Care for the Self in Sedgwick and Zambreno.” Arizona Quarterly 76 (1): 197-213. Special Issue on “Autotheory.” Ed. Robyn Wiegman.

Goh, Irving. (Published 2020). “Exscription, or the Sense of Failure: Jean-Luc Nancy, Tecuciztecatl, and Édouard Levé.” MLN (Comparative Literature Issue) 134 (5): 1080-1097, 2019.

Goh, Irving. (2019). “Introducing Touching Literature: Anthony Doerr’s All the Light We Cannot See.” CR: The New Centennial Review 19 (3): 241-264, 2019.

Goh, Irving. (2017). "Writing, Touching, and Eating in Clarice Lispector: Água Viva and A Breath of Life." MLN (Comparative Literature Issue) 131 (5): 1347-1369.

Goh, Irving. (2016). “The Risk of Existing.” Special Issue on Jean-Luc Nancy. Eds. Irving Goh and Timothy Murray. diacritics 43 (4): 8-26.

Goh, Irving. (2016). "Le toucher, le cafard, or, On Touching - the Cockroach in Clarice Lispector's Passion according to G.H.MLN (Hispanic Issue) 131 (3): 461-480.

Goh, Irving. (2015). "Prepositional Thoughts." Special Issue on Jean-Luc Nancy, Vol. 1. Eds. Irving goh and Timothy Murray. diacritics 42 (2): 3-8.

Goh, Irving. (2014). "Phlebotomo-graphy, or Phlebotomy and Writing in Flaubert." MLN (French Issue) 129 (4): 936-954. 

Goh, Irving. (2012). “Posthuman Auto-Rejects: From Bacterial Life to Clinamen.” Special Issue on “Posthuman Subjectivities.” Eds. Ivan Callus and Stefan Herbrechter. Subjectivity 5 (3): 312-326.

Goh, Irving. (2012). “Blindness and Animality, or Learning How to Live Finally in Clarice Lispector’s Passion according to G.H.” differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 23 (2): 113-135.

Goh, Irving. (2012). “Becoming-Animal: Transversal Politics.” Special Issue on “Negative Politics.” Ed. Laurent Dubreuil. diacritics 39(2): 37-57 (2009).

Goh, Irving. (2011). “Rejecting Friendship: Towards a Radical Reading of Derrida’s Politics of Friendship for Today.” Cultural Critique 79: 94-124.

Goh, Irving and Ying-Ying Tan. (2011). “Politics of Language in Contemporary Singapore Cinema: The Films of Jack Neo, or Politics by Cinematic Means.” Interventions 13(4): 610-626.

Goh, Irving and Ryan Bishop. (2011). “Introducing Plus d’un toucher: Touching Worlds.” Special Issue on “Plus d’un toucher: Touching Worlds.” Guest-Editors Irving Goh and Ryan Bishop. SubStance 126, 40 (3): 3-9.

Goh, Irving. (2011). “Touch Today: From the Subject to the Reject.” Special Issue on “Plus d’un toucher: Touching Worlds.” Guest-Editors Irving Goh and Ryan Bishop. SubStance 126, 40 (3): 115-129.

Goh, Irving. (2011). “Chuang Tzu’s Becoming-Animal.” Philosophy East and West 61 (1): 110-133.

Goh, Irving. (2010). “The Passion according to Cixous: From Human Blindness to Animots.” MLN 125 (5): 1050-1074.

Goh, Irving. (2009). “Structural Reject.” Special Section on 40 Years of Derrida’s “Structure, Sign, and Play.” Theory & Event 12(1): 2009.

Goh, Irving. (2008). “The Question of Community in Deleuze and Guattari: II. After-Friendship.” symplokē 15(1-2): 218-243.

Goh, Irving and Ying-Ying Tan. (2007). “Singapore Pharmakon.” Social Identities. Special Issue on Derrida’s Monolingualism of the Other. 13(3): 393-409.

Goh, Irving. (2007). “The Question of Community in Deleuze and Guattari: I. Anti-Community.” symplokē 14(1-2): 216-231.

Goh, Irving. (2007). “Counter-Disappearance, ‘Stealth Democracy,’ Picnolepsy.” Under Fire 3. Ed. Jordan Crandall.

Goh, Irving. (2006). “Disagreeing Preemptive/ Prophylaxis: From Philip K Dick to Jacques Rancière.” Fast Capitalism. 2(1). 

Goh, Irving. (2006). “Democracy to Come.” Supplement Entry to New Encyclopaedia Project Special Issue. Theory, Culture, & Society 23(2/3): 497-499.

Goh, Irving. (2006). “Prolegomenon to a Right to Disappear.” Cultural Politics. “Just Targets” Special Issue. Berg Publishers. 2(1): 97-114.

Goh, Irving. (2004). “Dangerous Philosophy: Threat, Risk and Security.” CTheory. Article 143. 27 May 2004.

Goh, Irving. (2001). “Promising ‘Post-colonialism’: Deleuze-Guattari’s ‘Minor Literature’ and the Poetry of Arthur Yap.” genre (California State University). Vol. 22: 13-31. Also available at:

Chapters in Books 

Goh, Irving. (2017). "La différence, encore un effort? Interview with Gregg Lambert." Divisible Derridas. Ed. Victor E. Taylor and Stephen G. Nichols. Davies Group.

Goh, Irving. (2014). “Autrement souverain, or Sovereign Otherwise.” Nancy Now. Eds. Verena Conley and Irving Goh. Cambridge: Polity.

Goh, Irving and Verena Conley. (2014). “Nancy Now, or Taking Time, À Chaque Fois.” Introduction to Nancy Now. Oxford: Polity.

Goh, Irving. (Forthcoming, 2015). “After Derrida’s Foi et savoir.” Derrida Now. Ed. John W. Phillips. Oxford: Polity. 

Goh, Irving. (2013). “Realia.” Introduction to the Poetry of Arthur Yap. The Collected Poems of Arthur Yap. Ed. Jenny Yap. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.

Goh, Irving. (2013). “The Reject for the Future of Continental Philosophy of Religion.” The Future of Continental Philosophy of Religion. Ed. Merold Westphal. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

Goh, Irving. (2009). “‘Strange Ecology’ in Deleuze-Guattari’s Mille Plateaux.” Ed. Bernd Herzogenrath. An (Un)Easy Alliance – Thinking the Environment with Deleuze-Guattari. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 196-215.

Goh, Irving. (2005). “Right to Disappear: Some Fragments.” Under Fire 2: The Organization and Representation of Violence. Ed. Jordan Crandall. Rotterdam: Witte de With. pp. 102-103.

Goh, Irving. (2004). “Dangerous Philosophy: Threat, Risk and Security.” Life in the Wires: The CTheory Reader. Ed. Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. Victoria: CTheory Books. pp. 155-164.


Nancy, Jean-Luc. (2016). "Sexistence." Special Issue on "The Prepositional Senses of Jean-Luc Nancy, 2" of diacritics 43 (4). Translated from the French.

Agamben, Giorgio. (2014). “The Silhouette of Jean-Luc Nancy.” Nancy Now. Cambridge: Polity Press. Translated from the French.

Nancy, Jean-Luc. (2014). “Dialogue Beneath the Ribs.” Nancy Now. Cambridge: Polity Press. Translated from the French.

Nancy, Jean-Luc. (2014). “What is to be Done?” Special Issue on “The Prepositional Senses of Jean-Luc Nancy, 1” of diacritics 42(2). Translated from the French.